Saturday, February 28, 2009

Leonard Cohen is my hero!

Such a powerful medium is song. No need to fuss with characters, narration, or story arc. Music drives simply inward toward the heart.
God save Mr. Cohen, never the best vehicle for the expression of his own formidable muse. Here is one, my dear friends, that you can sing at my funeral--- those of you who might still be carrying on once I am tapped to begin whatever comes next.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


All times below are measured in days and are compared to my brothers Deeb and Rev. Bunny.

Age when married:
Rev. Bunny----11,172

Age at birth of first child:
Rev. Bunny------13,025

30 days apart.

Age at birth of second child:
Rev. Bunny------13,918

12 days apart.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Words of Comfort and Joy

Last Friday evening at the local HEB express lane----

Po approaches the counter and sets a sixer of IPA's thereupon.

Po- "Hey, how's it going?"
Clerk- "Good. Can I see some ID?"
Po- "Certainly!"
Clerk- "Wow! Okay. Thanks, man."
Po- (laughing) "You can check my ID any time you want!"
Clerk- "You're younger than I am!"
Po- "It must be my low-stress job."

This may be the last time I ever get carded, so I wanted to record it somehow. I got carded almost every time I bought beer the first five years or so after we moved into our new house. Then it started tapering off. I was carded last May when a bunch of us Social Studies teachers went out for happy hour. I was carded about twice in the Fall. Now this. And that might be it for ever and ever.

But I hope not!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tax-and-Spend Democrats

Click here for proof positive of a very disturbing trend.